ADIHEX launches 2nd ‘Most Beautiful Falcon Hood’ competition

أبوظبي في 7 مايو/ وام/ أعلن معرض أبوظبي الدولي للصيد والفروسية عن إطلاق نسخة ثانية من مُسابقة “أجمل برقع للصقور” ضمن فعاليات الدورة العشرين التي يُنظّمها نادي صقاري الإمارات خلال الفترة من 23 إلى 29 أغسطس القادم. وساهمت مُسابقة “أجمل برقع للصقور” التي أطلقها المعرض في الدورة الماضية لأوّل مرّة في تاريخه بنجاحها الكبير في استقطاب مُشاركة واسعة من 15 دولة وتعريف الآلاف من طلبة مدارس أبوظبي بما يُمثّله برقع الصقر من رمزية تاريخية وقيمة تراثية أصيلة فضلاً عن المُساهمة في دعم وتشجيع الحرفيين والمُبدعين والشركات المُتخصّصة في صناعة أدوات ومُعدّات الصقارة وكان 32 حرفياً مُبدعاً قد شاركوا في المُسابقة الفريدة من نوعها من الإمارات ودول عربية وعالمية. وتتألف لجنة تحكيم المسابقة من خبراء مُتخصصين في قطاع الصقارة ومُعدّاتها ومن أعضاء في نادي صقاري الإمارات وتتمثّل المعايير المُعتمدة في التقييم في درجة كفاءة ومدى فائدة البرقع المُصنّع للطير . وكان قد فاز بالمركز الأول في المُسابقة بنسخة العام الماضي (أبوظبي 2022) شركة “أتيليير فالكونويد” من اليابان وبالمركز الثاني “أورتون أتش أس ي” من تايوان وحصلت عفراء محمد الظاهري من دولة الإمارات على المركز الثالث. – هدى –
The “Most Beautiful Falcon Hood” competition, which was launched by Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX) for the first time in its history during the last edition, was not only successful in attracting wide participation from 15 countries, but also helped to educate thousands of students from Abu Dhabi schools about the falcon hood’s historical symbolism and real heritage value.
Additionally, it helped to support and encourage craftsmen, inventors, and companies specialising in the manufacture of falconry tools and equipment.
Thirty-two creative craftsmen participated in this unique competition from the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United States, Japan, France, the United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Taiwan, Mexico, Peru, and Chile.
ADIHEX announced the launch of a second edition of the competition for this year to choose the most beautiful and best falcon hood (burqa) as part of the twentieth edition. It will be organised by the Emirates Falconers’ Club from 23rd to 29th August, 2023, officially sponsored by the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi, the International Fund for Houbara Conservation (IFHC), and the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), where the event takes place. The sector partner is Caracal International LLC, and the industry partners include the International Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey, the European Foundation for Falconry and Conservation, the UAE Equestrian and Racing Federation, Dubai International Horse Fair and Game Fair – France, in addition to the official automotive partner ARB Emirates.
The jury comprises experts specialising in falconry and its equipment and Emirates Falconers’ Club members. The evaluation depends mainly on the extent of efficiency and usefulness of the hood so that the falcon feels comfortable. It also considers the overall beautiful appearance of the hood, the quality of the materials of which it is made, the appropriate price, and the aesthetic image in respect of the heritage prospect. Participation is limited to manufacturers of handmade falcon hoods, including falconers, craftsmen, and companies.
The falcon hood (burqa) is a vital tool in training falcons to hunt. It is essential to carefully choose a comfortable size for the falcon. It is a cover that the falconer puts on the entire head of the falcon (preventing it from seeing) and has a small opening from which its beak comes out. It is usually made of soft leather and may have different shapes and colours.
The hood is made either manually, according to its type, or mechanically by companies interested in falconry tools. It is considered essential for the falcon so that it does not unnecessarily leap from the hand of its falconer, or jump on the prey prematurely, weakening its strength and determination. Further, it helps the falcon to rest by blocking the rays and light from its eyes.
In ADIHEX 2022, “Atelier Falconoid”, from Japan, won the first place, “Orton HSI”, from Taiwan, won the second place, and Afra Mohamed Al Dhaheri, from the UAE, won the third place.