Bodour Al Qasimi honours dedication of AUS staff at annual Staff Appreciation Dinner

الشارقة في 19 مارس / وام / كرّمت الشيخة بدور بنت سلطان القاسمي رئيسة الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة موظفي الجامعة ممن عملوا فيها لفترات طويلة وذلك ضمن احتفال الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة بيوبيلها الفضي. واستحق 55 عضواً من أسرة الجامعة هذا التقدير في حفل عشاء الموظفين السنوي الذي أقيم أمس الأول في حرم الجامعة بحضور 480 من هيئتها الإدارية احتفاءً بعمل موظفي الجامعة الجاد والتزامهم الوظيفي وجهودهم البناءة في تطوير الجامعة على مدار العام. وشمل التكريم 30 موظفًا وموظفة من الجامعة وثلاثة من موظفي خدمات التنظيف ممن قضوا 25 عامًا من العمل في الجامعة و22 آخرين أكملوا 15 عامًا من الخدمة هذا العام. وقالت الشيخة بدور القاسمي: “سواءً كانت 25 عامًا أو 15 عامًا من الخدمة فإن ما نحتفل به حقًا هو الالتزام والتفاني والتأثير الإيجابي الذي تركه هؤلاء الموظفون في العديد من العقول الشابة على مدار ربع قرن لعب موظفو الجامعة دورًا أساسيًا في جعلها على ما هي عليه اليوم، مهداً للتميّز التعليمي الذي يعد الشباب ليكونوا صانعي التغيير والقادة المستقبليين الذين يحتاجهم العالم”. وأعربت الدكتورة سوزان مام مديرة الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة عن فخرها بهذا التكريم قائلةً إن حفل تكريم الموظفين السنوي مناسبة مميّزة لأنه يقدم فرصة لنا جميعًا لتقدير الجهود التي بذلتموها على مدار العام وقيام الجامعة بالتعبير عن امتنانها لكل ما تقومون به إن تفانيكم وعزمكم هو مصدر فخر ومنبع إلهام لنا جميعًا.
Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi, President of American University of Sharjah (AUS), has paid tribute to long-serving AUS employees, as the university marks its Silver Jubilee.
Fifty-five members received recognition at the annual Staff Appreciation Dinner, which was held outdoors on the AUS plaza with 480 AUS staff attending.
The annual event celebrates the hard work and dedication of AUS staff members throughout the year.
Sheikha Bodour applauded 30 staff members and three agency cleaners who have worked at AUS for 25 years, and 22 staff who have given 15 years of service.
Sheikha Bodour said, “Whether it’s 25 years of service or 15, what we’re really celebrating is the commitment, dedication, and positive influence these employees have had on so many young minds. Over the past quarter of a century, the AUS staff have been instrumental in making the university what it is today: a cradle of learning excellence that prepares young adults to be the future change-makers and leaders the world needs.”
Dr. Susan Mumm, Chancellor of AUS, stated, “The annual Staff Appreciation Dinner is a special occasion because it is an opportunity for all of us to reflect on how hard you have all worked throughout the year and for AUS to extend its utmost gratitude for all that you do. Your dedication and relentlessness give me great pride and continue to inspire us all. You are an integral part of the AUS story, particularly that we are celebrating today the pioneering staff members who have served this institution since its inception. There is nothing more rewarding than to consistently work with a reliable professional team who is committed to the success of this institution. Thank you for everything you do, and I look forward to continuing this journey with you as AUS embarks on breaking new ground in the future.”
The event opened with the recently debuted AUS anthem sung by students from the Performing Arts Programme, directed by Dr. Darren Dandridge, Assistant Professor in Performing Arts. It also features a digital art gallery highlighting staff artwork, a staff talent performance by the AUS Academic Support Centre’s Wency Villamora, and a vibrant dance performance by the Indian Student Cultural Club.
Sartaj Saifi, Civil Services Supervisor in the Department of Facilities, added, “AUS is home to me. I started in 1998 when AUS was one year old. I lived the flourishing of this young, yet dynamic, educational institution day in and day out. I am honoured to be one of the pioneers who lived to witness its current glory. The progress in my work since I started until today motivated me, and it is a confirmation to others with big dreams that places like AUS can make their dreams come true. I would like to thank AUS, and my department, for all the support and for the honour of being recognised for my years of service in AUS. As I said, AUS is home, where my dreams came true.”
For Dorothy Moras, Registration Officer at the Office of the Registrar, her 25 years of AUS have been incredibly fulfilling and rewarding. “It has been a great journey to witness AUS’ impressive growth throughout this time. No one thinks about how long they plan to stay in a place of work, but from the very first day, I have never considered leaving because of the fantastic supportive and nurturing environment that has become second nature to us. This acknowledgement of my long-standing service by AUS makes me feel even more valued and appreciated as an employee, and it brings me great joy to know that the efforts of the institution’s pioneers are being recognised,” she said.