Celebrations all the way at FBP International as it steps into the 10th year

The celebration were in the air! A truly memorable evening unfolded on the horizon as FBP International recently celebrated its ninth year on 21 March 2023. Established in 2014, the company has since then diversified from Australian Immigration Services to Settlement Services in Australia, for individuals, families, investors, and business set up and expansion as well.
Having more than 2700 successful client outcomes and seeing the continued success and the growth of the Australian immigration business, the company decided to expand by selling its rights for GCC and MENA region in September 2022 to Mr. Yannick Weerts, Managing Director of Post Landing Documentation Clearing Services LLC (PLSDCS), having its offices in Dubai and Abu Dhabi and more recently its rights for India to Ms. Diana Kamble, Managing Director of VDC Worldwide (OPC) Pvt. Ltd. (VDC Worldwide) having its office in Pune, to further consolidate its international position.
The world is slowly but steadily recovering from the aftermath of the global pandemic however Australia is back on the map and immigration radar for UAE residents. There is a travel demand for immigrants that ramp up the cosmopolitan cities of Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth in Australia. There’s more and more people from the UAE that are planning to migrate to Australia and reap the benefits of multiple citizenship, education, and health care services, and to enjoy the relaxed, work-life balance and family-friendly lifestyle.

Mr. Burzin Nanavatti, Director of FBP International, spoke at length about all the services the company provides and said, “With over 50 years of cumulative experience in the Australian immigration and settlement services field, the company also assists businessmen, investors, and Governments including but not limited to Kotak Urja, Reliance and the Government of Bhutan to invest and/or expand business in Australia.”
Seen echoing similar sentiments was Mr. Yannick Weerts adding, “We have worked with over 2000 clients that are predominantly based in the UAE, UK, India, and Australia. We now plan to become the market leader in the
Australian immigration industry in the UAE, GCC and MENA region. We have recently moved into a larger premises and are actively hiring more people with the required skillset. Our USP is that PLSDCS in association. With FBP International is the only company in the UAE with Australian Immigration Legal Practitioners and Settlement Experts.

What sets us apart from others is our shared motto that “WE WILL NOT TAKE ON YOUR CASE UNLESS WE BELIEVE YOU HAVE A GOOD CHANCE OF SUCCESS”.
As FBP International steps back from the UAE to focus on expanding into new markets such as South East Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America, Mr. Burzin Nanavatti is confident in PLSDCS and VDC Worldwide continuing to
help individuals, families, and investors to fulfil their dreams to live and work in Australia.
To enquire about any business opportunities, please contact FBP International by email to info@fbpintl.com